A case for this can be made as DN might jack up North. NH is North and that is troublesome as it is a common reference. Thus, NR must probably be what the more than one abbreviation is. Besides, NT seemed like a common solution.
Given this, the NT of WN would be something if you see Washington for the state being WA instead WN. The west coast is CA, OR, WA and that is odd. CA, ON, WN and then AK instead of AL or AA.
WONN is my combo on 1,2 and then CWNONA
2009, 2004: Martha owning diner (CA) and Jiggles strip club (TLC). $20 US BANK – Fire Lane, hat tip, Ben, Renee, Nikki (out of town: not) 8th Grade Graduation. ‘The expectation is that you prearrange your requests for vacation. Late notice BARBARA KARL, NASCAR argument me: they just go in circles ben: you want me to go upstairs to watch this alone!? Contact with Kathryn to speak about race’s upcoming or update immense, “I was in Extreme Danger today” Ben said MSH presented. TIME: EDT, Iwiedt, Talk about anagrams that were all foul. 15 minute prompt. Barney Frank & 30 years. Idiocrasy. Second request for strip club turned down and so he was gone. Beach trip. LR: Michael Vick, dog fighting, Elijah Woods, British Dog, iPhone, ATT, Nikki “he thinks he is a racecar driver” comment on me taking car control back as his attitude was shit. LWI EDT – WHTS: FMAA TB FAFM –