I have been following Reddit’s ban of everything they don’t like and it is a part of the freedom apparent initiative of about November 2022; so what is ‘their’ problem? Reddit came up first on my report that it was a fraud as it reported it to be run by female-women. Separately, it came up on a report stating it was issue registered for operation in chat action plus had the primary-primary feature of being linked to ‘David and Crew’ thus it was of interest for me. Not until I could get the electric company to hook up my extra power line(s) could this happen. So, for a very long time…I got carpel tunnel and it was not pain-free.

Of course. Stream/Rays/Brightness:
I am so jealous if that is what it means. I get scrared wen input comes in from different and so I do not want you to be found by virtue of your stated status. Meddingly in my marriage is a source of people as are my God expansion. I think she is jealous and I am working to get that the resolved. I do love and deeply respect her. We have been through no much. Lost my job and have not been scared. I am not a good person and I feel so scared. I am not lost I just want to make sure I am in the right place and want to make sure I can get to her so she is not lost. Please clink to your spouse; as
I’m not sure still what you are saying.
What is the problem you are struggling with?
Who are you jealous of?
Why do you think you are not a good person?
I literally can’t understand what you are trying to say in this post.
Who is meddling in your marriage? How are they meddling specifically? Who is jealous of who?
Are you saying your wife doesn’t want to be your friend? I’m so lost.
SORCE;Moderator,Moderator;Moderator Commenting and editing without disclosure:
You made a baby with her, so my opinion is that now you have to at least try to make it work to give this child a chance to have an intact home.
With the daycare thing, it sounds like her decision didn’t make much sense, but it also sounds like she heard your suggestion and agreed. So – overall this is a success story to me about how she was able to see your perspective and then made changes accordingly!
With the hernia surgery, that is a red flag. She has a serious issue with lacking empathy for you and pressuring you for sex while you are healing is not right. Neither is her reaction to rejection. Serious issues there, I think she needs individual therapy to understand why she behaves this way!
Sounds like she was living with no heat instead of calling someone to get it fixed. Why is that? Is she unable or unwilling to deal with basic home stuff like this? Is this a money issue like she couldn’t pay for it without you? Why did she ignore broken heat???
It sounds to me like she never wanted a dog and still doesn’t want a dog. I think you would do best to re-home this dog because you can’t always be home to care for him, and she is unwilling which means the dog will not have the best life. It sucks, but dogs are a lot of work, and you need a partner who is at least willing to help out and not just lock him up because they don’t want to deal with it. With a baby on the way, this is only going to become a bigger issue for you.
When it comes to her daughter, I think you need to tell her the truth. That she wants you to be more more involved with her, but it isn’t clear how you can do this when she shuts down any attempt you make at parenting. It sounds like she wants you to give a lot of time and attention for her child, but she is not willing to allow you to make ANY decisions about how to handle situations with her that will arise more the more time you spend with her, and when you do, she has a lot to say about it. I can understand why that discourages you, so you need to ask her. Does she want you to be a parent figure to her daughter or not? If so, then she needs to ease up on her criticism and let you take the lead sometimes. Of course you won’t always behave the way she would, but that stuff can be discussed and worked out. If she is unwilling to let go of some control and trust you, then she can’t expect you to re-arrange your life to spend more time with her child. It also makes me VERY scared for how you will parent this new baby together.
You said your wife keeps contacting you, so I guess you are living apart right now and you are ignoring her attempts to communicate? Why are you doing this to a pregnant woman? You are still married – she is your wife. You don’t put her on “ignore”. You seem pretty immature about how you are handling this. She probably feels abandoned by you at the worse possible time, right before she is getting ready to give birth! That is cruel and selfish of you, this woman is carrying YOUR child. Nothing she has done in any of these examples is as cruel as you abandoning her at this time. I get that you are upset, but then get some marriage counseling, and work through the issues. You are right she likely needs individual therapy to address her personal problems and it could take time to see real lasting changes, but you might need MC to get her going in the right direction and point out to her the things she needs to work on.
You knew her for 3 years, so that was long enough to see some of the signs about who she is. You made a baby with her. If you are fighting on the daily, then this is not only her problems, but also your issue. It takes two to have this much conflict! So, suck it up, and try to work on this. Put your best foot forward, move back in, communicate, and get a marriage counselor. If for no other reason, because she is always going to be your child’s mother and this is the most vulnerable time in a woman’s life. Put this in perspective.
My husband (30m) and I (35f) have been in a long distance marriage for 3yrs. He’s in training. I’m stationed elsewhere until he’s done. Most of his friends to include his roommates he’s had, are about 5-6 years younger and unmarried with no kids (we have 2 btw). These past 3 years I have been working full time and taking care of everything all by my self while he goes and lives his dream. When he first moved for some training to a major party location he would be out literally every weekend. There was even a time I caught him out without his ring on (he will still deny it but I saw it) He partied all the time and and didn’t find anything wrong with him out getting wasted dancing and putting his hands on other women. I told him this wasn’t acceptable behavior for a married man. And that he had different expectations than his friends who weren’t married. He moved again to a different city and state. He didn’t go out as much but occasionally went out to local bars and was home by 10 or 11 cool. I stopped saying anything because I think that’s ok. He decided he was going to go to a large city very much known for the party and bar hopping scene. I told him I wasn’t comfortable with it. He used the fact that all 4 of the guys going were in committed relationships and one was even bringing his girlfriend. Still not happy about it, they aren’t married! On top of that he tried to tell me he didn’t want to go but his friends were excited about it so he went. He also tried to act like he hadn’t committed to going before talking to me but yet invited a different friend to someone else’s trip before talking to me. And that in my eyes is making a commitment. I made it very clear I was not comfortable don’t think him bar hopping is acceptable behavior of a married man, he says I’m controlling and I make a big ordeal about every time he goes out. the first year I did, it was all the time till like 4 am! these last couple years I don’t say anything. He even went with some friends a few hours away stayed in an air bnb for an air show. Cool I knew the intent wasn’t to go out and bar hop. Anyways, Regardless how I felt he still goes. I am angry On top of that I find out that it’s not just the 4 guys all in committed relationship now there are 2 random girls there and staying with them. It’s completely disrespectful in my eyes. Doesn’t tell me he’s on the road, nothing when he arrives. No calls ALL day. I think there are certain boundaries and expectations when you’re married and being out with a bunch of single guys and a couple random girls is very much outside those. Let’s also mention the fact that he HAS cheated on me regardless of forgiveness he doesn’t get to control how what he did makes me respond. Tl;dr And I feel disrespected over and over that I’m ready to walk away from the marriage. So do I have the right to feel this was or am I just being controlling.